

The EPAIL Fog system is specifically designed for effective dust control. By spraying a fine mist, it helps to minimize dust, reduce health risks, and improve air quality. The EPAIL Fog Cannon has been proven to suppress up to 95% of airborne dust particles. It is directed at the source of dust emissions and rapidly suppresses the dust before it can disperse. Fog Cannons are particularly useful for dust suppression in areas such as stockpiles, where their low water usage provides an advantage.

In addition to dust control, the EPAIL Fog Cannon can be integrated into existing security systems. When an intruder is detected by motion detector cameras mounted on the fog cannon, a powerful jet of smoke or water spray is discharged within seconds. This creates a visual barrier that hampers thieves’ ability to see valuable items and forces them to retreat and leave the premises. The fog emitted by the cannon is harmless but highly effective in deterring intruders.

One of the advantages of EPAIL fog cannons is their mobility. They can be easily moved to cover different areas as needed. This allows for better water coverage, especially in areas where static nozzle manifold arrangements are not feasible or structures are not present.

The fog cannon operates by pumping highly pressurized water through a series of jet nozzles, which atomizes the water into a fine mist. This mist is then dispersed through the air using a powerful fan. When airborne dust particles come into contact with the mist, they are captured and, due to increased weight from water droplets, they are unable to spread further and are brought back to the source.

Overall, the EPAIL Fog system and Fog Cannon provide an effective solution for dust control and security enhancement, ensuring a safer and healthier environment while protecting valuable assets.

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